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On The Brink with Castle Island

Aug 6, 2021

Nic and Matt return for another week. In this episode:

  • Gensler makes a landmark speech
  • Gensler asks for a futures-based ETF
  • Will the crypto taxation in the infrastructure bill be sufficient to pay for the new spending?
  • What explains the 11th hour language in the infra bill?
  • When does the Bitcoin lobby become a meaningful voter bloc?
  • BSV gets 51% attacked

Sponsor notes:

  • This episode is brought to you by Withum, a top 25 accounting firm with a cutting-edge Digital Currency and Blockchain Technology practice. To learn more, visit
  • Eventus, the leading global provider of multi-asset class trade surveillance, transaction monitoring and market risk solutions. Its award-winning trade surveillance platform is easy to deploy, customize and operate. Eventus is proven in the most complex, high-volume and real-time environments and supports many of the industry’s leading crypto exchanges including Coinbase, Gemini, ErisX and OSL. Find them at